There are over 644,000* non-nationals living in Ireland, with over 183,500 from outside the EU, originating in over 64 countries.
Of these, almost 5,000 are asylum seekers or refugees.
(*CSO 2020)
Building BetterWorkplaces
Migrant Information Service
Pathways to Progress is co-funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth under the Integration and Employment of Migrants activity as part of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) 2021-2027.
At Pathways to Progress, we aim to resource people from a migrant background to find work or to create pathways to employment.
If you are a migrant in or coming to Ireland, a refugee, a person seeking asylum or living in direct provision, a person under the EU Temporary Protection Directive or a person who has had their status regularised, you will find information here on working in Ireland, on preparation for and finding work, and on training and education you might find helpful to maximise your chances of finding a suitable job.
If you’re an employer, you can find information on preparing your workplace, recruiting and integrating workers from migrant backgrounds into your business, and hopefully, through our recruitment ads, find the right people for your business.
A job is crucial in welcoming and integrating people from migrant backgrounds into Irish society. We hope this is a safe space to find information you might need, and we’re here to help with any questions you might have.
Pathways to Progress is a programme by The Open Doors Initiative.
There are over 644,000* non-nationals living in Ireland, with over 183,500 from outside the EU, originating in over 64 countries.
Of these, almost 5,000 are asylum seekers or refugees.
(*CSO 2020)
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