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The objective of the education system in Ireland is to provide high quality education for all students and to meet the educational needs and abilities of each person. The Irish government has introduced policies to ensure inclusivity and diversity within the education system. Education can be an important part of a migrant’s integration into society in general and can be of huge benefit in finding employment. This section deals with education from the point of view of:

  • A refugee (including those with humanitarian leave to remain or with subsidiary protection, or those under the EU Temporary Protection Directive)
  • An asylum seeker
  • International students

Recognition of Qualifications

NARIC Ireland, hosted by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), provides advice, free of charge, for the recognition of qualifications. It provides advice on the academic recognition of a foreign qualification by comparing it to a major award type and level on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), which sets these qualifications clearly in an Irish context.

We have also created a guide for getting your academic qualifications recognised in Ireland, which can be found here.

You can find a list of regulated professions, the relevant Competent Authorities and their contact details here.

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